author of Ten Thousand I Love Yous
My guest today is the fabulous author Lisa Slabach, and she’s agreed to share some behind-the-scenes moments in her writing life. Keep reading to learn more about her latest book, Ten Thousand I Love Yous, as well as how to enter the giveaway.
Of all the stories you could have told, why THIS one?
I’ve read about a book a week for most of my adult life. I really enjoy stories with romantic elements that have something to say about life and leave me thinking about it when I’m done, changing my perspective in some way. These types of stories have been hard to find. When it comes to second-chance stories, things tend to get silly and the ex-husbands are often vile. I wanted to write a more realistic story that still had humor but didn’t fall into the tropes, a story where everyone has flaws and life will never be perfect.
The other aspect of the story that pulled on me was what it would be like to marry your high school sweetheart and never experience dating anyone else. Growing up in a small farm community, many classmates and extended family married straight out of high school and started having children right away. Not all pairings ended well, but most couples I know have had successful lives and strong marriages. I really felt an urge to write about loving someone from a young age and how it shapes you. I also had somethings to say about how important it is in a relationship to be true to yourself, have clear communication and the openness to forgive.
Lastly, Kimberly, Jay, Kevin and Joshua’s voices were especially strong in my head and kept tugging on me! Roll it all up, and Ten Thousand I Love Yous is the story I was compelled to write.
Do you have any incomplete or still-unpublished manuscripts in your desk drawer?
I had three for a couple years, but Degrees of Love and Ten Thousand I love Yous are now published, which only leaves Enter Stage Left gathering dust. I wrote it between completing first drafts of Degrees and Ten. My agent at the time encouraged me to try my hand at a straight-up Romance so I did. Here’s the pitch:
After three years of graduate school and struggling professionally, Elle Serra has a chance to prove her mettle by workshopping a play at Chicago’s premiere regional theater. If successful, it will be her entrée into a select class of directors. The only hitch is the playwright, Bret Stark, former classmate and now burgeoning Hollywood screenwriter. The last time she saw Bret, she had left a note on his pillow, ending an affair that started with a rehearsal room seduction.
One thing I learned was that writing a good romance is really hard! Although, I may pick it up again and write a whole a series around the Chicago theater world. In the meantime, I’ve started a new Women’s Fiction novel that’s taking up my creative brain space.
How should new writers invest their time and money in order to be successful?
From a time perspective, be prepared for a good story to take time. Even if you have a great first draft, rewrites allow you to add nuance, tweak moments, and edited out words that slow your story. Editing should take as much time, if not more, than writing the first draft.
Money is a different matter. Promoting a book costs money—especially true for new authors. Do your research and find the marketing strategies that yield the biggest bang for your buck and fits within your budget. Services like Bargain Booksy and Fussy Librarian, who do email blasts to a large subscription base, are price friendly and get results. If you have the means, I highly recommend paying a company to organize a blog tour. Blog tours are great two-for-ones: the book is exposed to readers who follow the blogger and gets reviews. I also highly recommend creating an author profile on sites like Goodreads, Bookbub and Library Thing. Author profiles are free, and these sites are avenues for readers to discover new books and leave ratings, which attract more readers!

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In this humorously touching novel by the critically acclaimed author of Degrees of Love, a woman is blindsided when her high school sweetheart abandons her after eighteen years of marriage.
At sixteen, Kimberly Kirby thought the only thing she needed to be perfectly happy was to spend the rest of her life with Jay Braxton. Twenty years later, she still believes it. As they proudly watch their daughter, Haley, graduate from high school, she imagines her life is as perfect as anyone could reasonably expect. Jay is a formidable attorney, she a freelance writer, and their love as strong as ever. With Haley heading to UC Berkeley in the fall, Kimberly fantasizes about making love on the kitchen table. She has no clue that Jay’s bags are already packed.
Now divorced and determined to squelch her love for Jay, she accepts a gig writing a sex and dating blog for divorcees. As the Virgin Dater, she is on the hunt for love. No-strings-attached nights with a sexy fireman and moving to San Francisco are just what she needs to boost her battered ego and mend her shattered heart.
But just as she falls hard for a talented young chef, Jay fights to win her back. Torn between her bold new life and the comfort of Jay’s strong arms, she questions if there is too much to forgive. The ten thousand I love yous that had passed Jay’s lips can’t be dismissed, but nor can her newfound freedom and the knowledge that her happiness doesn’t depend on Jay.

Meet the Author:
Ten Thousand I Love Yous is Lisa Slabach’s second novel.
Prior to publication, her first novel, Degrees of Love was recognized as a Best Book of 2014 by Kirkus Review. Degrees of Love made its publishing debuted December 1, 2017 and was nominated for a 2017 Reviewer’s Choice Award by RT Book Reviews.
In addition to writing, Lisa is a Fintech Relationship Executive for a Fortune 500 Company. She is a long-time resident of Northern California and lives with her husband, one-hundred-forty-pound puppy and numerous goldfish. In her free time, she enjoys wine tasting, shopping with her daughters, and cooking in her pink kitchen.
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This sounds really good.
Thank you for sharing this great interview with the author!
Sounds like an amazing book!