by Tracey Szynkaruk
Author Tracey Szynkaruk’s new book is a great way to help you do just that. Children are often far wiser than we oldsters, but their voices are usually ignored. I’ve asked Tracey how a kid can convince grown-ups to reduce plastic waste. See her response below.

Join Theo, a young boy who, with the help of his teacher and classmates, is working to reduce the need for plastic use in day-to-day life. From grocery stores to restaurants, read along to see how plastic use can be minimized to help make a plastic-free world for you and me!
A child who perhaps is learning about plastic waste in school can go home and ask their family to participate in some plastic reduction initiatives. Every little change can help!
A child can go grocery shopping with their parents and can point out how to avoid plastic when selecting food options.
- Bringing a reusable bag to avoid having to use plastic bags.
- Trying to select items that are available in a glass option versus plastic.
- Buy in Bulk! Either visit a bulk shop or check out the bulk section of your grocery store for items such as snacks, cereal and pasta to avoid waste from plastic packaging. Store the items in reusable glass jars.
- When selecting snacks – pick fruits such as apples, bananas or oranges instead of snack packs. They are nutritious and there is no extra plastic packaging!
When eating out or going to a restaurant
- Say no to straws!
- Avoid taking or using plastic cutlery.
- When eating ice cream – go for to the cone! No need for a plastic cup or spoon.
Avoid littering whenever you can. Sometimes you have to use plastic and that’s ok – But just remember to recycle the plastic. Trash that is left on the ground can blow into our rivers and can eventually lead to the ocean.
We are all responsible to help fix this problem. Change is not easy and breaking old habits can be challenging but small steps can help reduce plastic waste and can help save our planet!
Theo and his mother are at the grocery store and they enter the produce section. Theo’s mother is about to grab a plastic bag and Theo says, “Mommy! Stop! Do we need to use a plastic bag for those red peppers or can we just put them in the cart?”
Theo’s mother stops and says, “Theo, I think you are right! I don’t think we need to use a plastic bag! I can just wash the vegetables when we get home!”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Tracey Szynkaruk is a young author and mother of one who resides in Grand Forks, British Columbia. She hopes she can inspire people to make plastic-free choices for a cleaner and more sustainable world for her children and yours!
Click here to visit Tracey’s website.
Thanks for hosting!
I’m delighted to be able to help promote this book. Plastic pollution is one of my pet peeves, and it’s important that young people learn how they can correct the bad habits of adults.
It’s great hearing about new books when you have a family who loves to read. Thanks so much for sharing your book.
Sounds like a good read.
For those who want to help do something about plastic pollution, choose ‘Plastic-free living’ from the category box on the right side of this page. You might also want to read the post “It’s Only One Straw.”
Great excerpt and giveaway. 🙂
Great post – thanks for sharing!
Sounds like a great read. Thank you!
Sounds like a great read.
Thanks so much for the post! I really appreciate it!