Key XIX The Sun I drew The Sun card here at the end of October, when our sun—Earth’s own Star—is traveling low in the Northern Hemisphere sky. We’re heading toward the season of hibernation. This isn’t the time for the Sun to shine bright, not when autumn shadows soften the edges of summer. It’s not…
Jamie Lisa Forbes – 3 Questions & a Cover
How much of your own personality do you share with your characters? Is that a choice, or does it happen on its own? Consciously at least, I try to keep my personality out of my characters. I am most concerned with authentic characterization, so with every character, I try to place myself in their shoes…
Moon: Pathways, or the argument for circular storytelling
This is a repost of Julie Herman‘s most recent post. In the labyrinth of a difficult text, we find unmarked forks in the path, detours, blind alleys, loops that deliver us back to our point of entry, and finally the monster who whispers an unintelligible truth in our ears. — Mason Cooley Not withstanding the fact that all of…
Ray Zimmerman – 3 Questions & a Cover
A short interview wherein one of my favorite authors answers three questions about the writing life. Question 1: What’s your Go-To source when you need inspiration? Inspiration comes in short bursts, and I write short pieces. These include poems, freelance journalism, and occasional short stories and essays. Writing is a two-stage process because the natural…
Oh No He Didn’t! Brilliant Women and the Men Who Took Credit for Their Work
by Wendy J. Murphy, JD Plagiarism is a very serious transgression; even a minor infraction, such as failing to include a citation in an academic paper, is cause for termination from employment or expulsion from college. The stories in my book involve far more serious plagiarism of women’s work, yet in almost every case, nothing… : Twinkling
star ~ noun – a natural luminous body visible in the sky; a person who is preeminent in a particular field A few months ago I wrote a post about tarot Key 9, The Hermit, in which I shared a few hermit crab flash pieces. The image I used for that post is a… : Revealing
The traditional meaning of the major arcana tarot card The Devil is bondage, enslaved by the material world, addiction to physical pleasures. The White Light Tarot deck places this card within the realm of the root chakra, which is very similar to Maslow’s foundation tier; both are all about security, safety, feeling that we have…
Joanna Grisham ~ 3 Questions & a Poem
3 Questions and a Poem–in which one of my favorite poets is interviewed and shares a poem. Question 1 What do you consider the three most important elements of a poem? There are so many possible answers to this question, and my answer will probably be different if you ask me again a year from…
Kerry Fryar Freeman – 3 Questions & a Cover
A short interview wherein one of my favorite authors answers three questions about the writing life. What’s the hardest scene you’ve ever written? The hardest ended up being one of my favorite scenes in SEDONA. It was Drunk Tommy’s background chapter because up until that point, I didn’t like him at all, and it was… : Transforming
trans·for·ma·tion/ˌtran(t)sfərˈmāSH(ə)n/ : a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved Tarot key XIII, usually called Death, is the card those television and movie fortunetellers always manage to turn with a great flourish and gasp of horror. That’s fiction. This card almost never…