This is a repost of Julie Herman‘s most recent post. I’ll be following her lead (as I so often do) in my post next week. We might have a theme running through the year. Let me know if you can spot it. When you see a woman on a throne, looking out over her terrain,…
Cathy Cultice Lentes ~ 3 Questions & a Poem
3 Questions and a Poem–in which one of my favorite poets is interviewed and shares a poem. QUESTION 1 What do you consider the three most important elements of a poem? Whether I’m writing a poem or reading a poem, I’m most interested in lyrical language, the use of specific concrete imagery, and a move…
Grab the book at a discounted price
Patchwork is a collection of some of my published stories, essays, and poems. I’ll be giving it to participants in my workshops, but you can purchase it from online and real life booksellers for $9.95, if you’d like. From January 22, 2024 through January 31, 2024, Patchwork will be available at a discounted price of… : Magicking
Magicking [verb]: to transform or produce by or as if by magic Learning to read tarot cards was a struggle. I started with the standard Rider-Waite deck, because that was the only deck I had and because the internet hadn’t been invented yet and even if it had been there was no worldwide marketplace and most tarot… Foolishness
This is a repost of Julie Herman‘s first post of 2024. I’ll be following her lead (as I so often do) in my post next week. We might have a theme running through the year. Let me know if you can spot it. Is it foolish, friends, to want to travel to the parts… : Ending
There are certain events that seem just right for starting over: a birthday, the beginning of a week or a month or a year or a season, a new job, a new home. We don’t think the same way about endings, though, maybe because we so seldom get to choose them for ourselves. This has…
Marianne Scott ~ Three Questions & a Cover
A short interview wherein one of my favorite authors answers three questions about the writing life. Question 1 What books do you recommend for an aspiring writer? Reading a variety of books both within and outside of your genre is essential for any writer. For that matter, any book will do. There is no one…
Joni B. Cole ~ Three Questions & a Cover
A short interview wherein one of my favorite authors answers three questions about the writing life. Question 1 What one piece of advice can you offer to a writer who has yet to tackle the publishing world? There are several publishing paths so don’t get discouraged by all the negative talk out there about how…
C.S. McDonald ~ Three Questions & a Cover
A short interview wherein my guest, one of my favorite authors, answers three questions about the writing life. Question 1 In what genres have you written, and which one of them gives you the most satisfaction? I have written four series: The Unbridled Series/murder suspense—this was my very first published works-2011. The stories surround a… : Skoshing
Little bits of time are all we have most days, especially during the winter holiday season. Last month I wrote my post for non-writers, but writers were invited to eavesdrop. This month I’m reaching out to all of you, and I’m offering a suggestion to get you into or keep you in a writing…