I first met Sidura sitting in College Hall at VCFA, listing to a lecture. She was rapt, and, after it was over, I could see that she had absorbed every single point the faculty member had made. Then she smiled. I knew immediately that we would become friends. Her dedication to her art, her willingness…
Category: b.read.crumbs
writers on the writing life
b.read.crumbs, the promotion issue
Lauren Carr | Julie Herman | Deborah-Zenha Adams |Interview with Lauren Carr Lauren Carr is the brains behind iRead Book Tours as well as being a successful author. Could there be a better fit for our topic this month? Lauren Carr What Separates Best-Selling Authors from the Rest Several years ago, the year following the release of my first book, a…
b.read.crumbs, the blogging issue
Laura Smith is the multi-talented, multi-faceted founder of a hugely successful blog, Laura’s Books & Blogs. She’s guest posted on my blog, I’ve guest posted on hers, and I also follow her posts with the sort of devotion I show to very few online outlets. This woman is a pro and a fine human being….
b.read.crumbs, the seasonal issue
My friend Nicole got me through the pandemic with her calls that always cheered me up. She is stunningly funny, often slipping a zinger in when you least expect it. She is also a brilliant writer, those zingers landing on a soft spot you didn’t know you had, leading to a wellspring of emotion in the middle…
b.read.crumbs, the focus issue
Malcolm Glass and I met eleventy-leven years ago, when he was teaching creative writing at Austin Peay State University. It was in one of his classes, during a writing exercise, that I first used the town of Jesus Creek in a piece of fiction. Malcolm was already a well-known writer in his field in those days, and his reputation…
b.read.crumbs, the rejection issue
Get your FREE monthly b.read.crumbs as soon as we drop it by subscribing. Here it is, folks–b.read.crumbs: the rejection issue! Julie, Deborah, and special guest Carmela McCain Simmons talk about how we keep going when we are stupid, ugly, and dumb, and nobody likes our writing. Carmela || Deborah || Julie || Writers in Conversation Julie: My dear friend Carmela McCain Simmons has been a…
b.read.crumbs, the inspiration issue
Click right here to sign up for the FREE b.read.crumbs newsletter. In this issue…. Julie says || Deb says || Writers in Conversation JULIE WRAY HERMAN Deb and I sit down at least once a year for a session of Let’s Inspire Each Other aka bouncing ideas off one another. This time we met up at a campground near Mobile,…